पीछले वर्ष 2017 में पुछे गये वन वर्ड सब्स्टीच्यूशन आप सबको उप्लब्ध
करवा रहा हूं, इसे रट जाईये ताकि इस बार आपका एक्जाम अच्छा जा सके
Rub a part of the body to restore warmth or sensation- Chafe
(रगड से छिल जाना)
To teach a person to accept a set of beliefs uncritically –
To indoctrinate
(शिक्षा देना)
To increase rapidly in number; multiply- To proliferate (प्रचुर मात्रा में
उत्पन्न करना)
To allay the sorrow or grief- To console (सान्तावना देना)
The recently dead person in question- Deceased (स्वर्गस्थ)
The punishment of being kept in school after hours-
(अवरोधन दंड)
To show approval or praise by clapping- To applaud (सराहना करना)
(of a cat) To make a low continuous vibratory sound
expressing contentment- To purr
(घुरघुराना)To cut off a branch, limb or twig from the main body of a
tree- Lop
To rummage about in a place or container in search of
something- To ferret (खोजना)
To depart from an established course- To deviate (मार्ग से अलग
Having or displaying an overly critical point of view- Judgmental (आलोचनात्मक)
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